
How to set up goals in Connecto’s Admin Panel

Goal is basically a completed activity that helps you achieve your larger business goals. It helps you measure how often users complete a particular action.

Goals could vary from industry to industry. For Ecommerce, goal to measure could be how many users actually placed an order. For gaming app, it could be how many users have completed a particular level and for lead based businesses, it could be how many people have submitted their contact details.

How we measure goals at Connecto:

In simple language, at Connecto, we measure goals by tracking how many users have visited a particular page. So, to measure how many people have placed an order on an e-commerce site, we will measure how many people have visited the payment success page. Similarly to track how many people have submitted their contact details we will track how many people visited the thank you page that appears when a lead is filled.

How to set up goals in Connecto’s Admin Panel

1. Log into your account at Connecto

2. Select goals from left nav of your dashboard

3. Create new goal by clicking on the “create new goal” button on the goals screen

While setting up a new goal we will have to target a specific page that will be tracked. In my example I have targeted the page that contains “checkout/payment-success” string in its URL. Using the URL targeting feature you can target any specific page.

Just make sure that Connecto’s JS Script is integrated on the pages that will be targeted in order to measure specific goals.

For ecommerce websites we will track how many people successfully placed the order and were redirected to payment success page. In the process, We will track all the notifications a user viewed before placing an order.

Had it been a lead focussed business we would have tracked the thank you page that appears after a lead is filled on website or on landing page.

4. View the summary on the goals screen

You can set up as many goals as you want to measure the effectiveness of your online business or marketing campaigns.

Hope this was useful! For any help, shoot us an email at support@connecto.io.

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